Plastic empty cream jars are usually transparent or semi transparent, so users can roughly estimate the remaining quantity of the product based on its appearance. Transparent or semi transparent jars allow users to directly see the level of liquid inside the jars, thereby helping them determine the remaining amount of product.
However, although it is possible to estimate the remaining quantity of a product through appearance, this method may not be precise enough, especially when the liquid level of the product is low. Therefore, for situations that require more precise monitoring of product surplus, other methods may need to be adopted.
A common solution is to mark the scale line or capacity mark on the can so that users can more accurately understand the remaining amount of the product. This method is usually used for products that require specific amounts or precise measurements.
Another solution is to use electronic or mechanical meters installed on plastic empty cream jars to monitor product usage. These meters can provide real-time product usage information and help users better control product usage and replenishment time.
In summary, although plastic empty cream jars can roughly estimate the remaining quantity of products based on their appearance, if more precise monitoring and measurement are needed, other methods may be necessary, such as marking scale lines or using a gauge.